Halloween Scary Story

It always seems like the hardest case begins with a long drive, they give you time to reflect and think about everything in life. Maybe regrets or things you wanna get off your chest, just before the end of your normal life could start. I started when I was put on a case down in New Brunswick Canada, a town located deeper into the woods. It was a long drive. I’m flattered they put me on the case, most of the others that had done this either quit, or just ended up in the files. I’ll have it done no problem if anyone can do it, it’ll be me.

I had arrived in the town, a solid few hours from home, and a good 30 minutes from the nearest town, not too far. I was told to head to the local police station to get it covered and they’ll have everything set up for me. I notice around town everything seems really run down as if it was abandoned but most of the buildings here are owned and used by people around, once I head into the station an officer approaches me, a very comforting complexion with long dark hair tied up into a ponytail. “You’re Mr. Parker right?” He lowers his hand to shake mine, “Yes sir, i’m here about the missing persons reports?”. He sets down a file and warns me to be careful. In the files it goes over who’s missing, a little girl named Brittny, age 12 with curly brown hair, a teen named Isaac, 17 with blue eyes and short blond hair. As I’m going over this I look and see a profile on Zackiery Anderson, age 31. He was an acquaintance of mine. I’m hoping I can finish what he couldn’t and maybe, hopefully find him.

For leads, they told me to talk to the bar keeper, most people disappear after leaving the bar. It’s closer out of town. Most people end up drunk in a bar fight, or just walk off after they have had enough drinks. I head down there, the bar keeper is a bald man with a frightening thin complexion, he has large bags under his eyes. “So they told you to come here about the cases…. Mr Parker?” He looks up and pours himself and I a drink. “I don’t know much about those cases, I mostly just keep an eye on what goes on in my bar. Once they’re out they’re not my problem anymore… Maybe try the woods out back? Or you can look around the area, aint have much to hide in my bar other than my bedroom in the room over.” He points at his room. I finish the drink and head inside. There’s a flickering light on the top that sways back and forth slightly along with an old cot in the corner, and a couple of beer crates to make a desk with a chair in front, above that is a small fire arm laying on the crates along with a couple of bills he needs to pay. I head out and look at him, “I think I’ll head outside while it’s still early before it gets dark thank you sir.” He nods and smiles at me, “The names Ted, and good luck to you”. He waves

I head outside in the back, I see the electrical box out back, along with the outhouse attached to the back of the bar, inside I can smell something horrible, I leave pretty quickly without a second thought. I try the woods, most people saying the missing persons end from the bar because of the woods behind it. I decided to head out to the woods, back there I can smell that stench again, it’s less powerful but it’s still there. I hear voices coming from the forest, I hear sounds as I get deeper into the woods following a trail that was made by what appears to be animals coming to the bar to get food coming from the woods, or maybe something else… or someone else coming from there. I keep hearing these voices in my head they’re getting stronger as I keep going into the woods. I can’t quite make out what they’re saying but I can’t handle it. I need to leave, everything just went silent.. I can’t help but feel like I’m being watched, the silence is now too much. I can’t keep that feeling away. There’s something around me. A predator ready to pounce? Someone out in the woods stalking me? Maybe something else?? have this feeling.. “I know you’re out there where are you!….” I can see it, a thing hunched over by the tree… is that a human?… it’s too skinny to be human and the skin looks like it’s rotting away with no pigmentation… and that face is that a skull over its head or is it its face?… I can’t move. I know it’s there the voices are back yet I can move, I…. I can’t leave it. thing it knows i’m here it’s that thing talking to me.

It’s trying to tell me something. It knows I can hear it and it wants something from me… it wants me. I can hear it in my head, I know what it wants, what it needs. It needs more, it needs more, it needs more…I can’t help but follow it as it leads me deeper into the woods. What feels like minutes has been hours following this thing pursuing it, or at least that’s what I hope I’m doing… the smell.. It burns as the voices get louder, that thing out there its been luring people over its needing them but for what?.. I found them all of them their bodies that was the smell, I think I’m gonna puke from this… It’s so strong and yet I can’t. It wants me there… the voices are so loud now… it’s here! It’s right there staring at me, does it want me next?? Those whispers I can… “Peter!!! Peter!!”… Is it more voices… everything goes silent that thing is gone it was right here! But the bodies… they’re gone… I feel something warm in me around my lips yet everything else is cold, it’s just their bones I couldve swarn they were here and dead, their bones aren’t bleached yet still covered in blood, the blood it’s everywhere… it’s all over the ground and the surrounding trees around.. It’s all over me… “Peter stop” I turn and it’s ted he’s frightened and pointing his gun at me. “I-If you move another inch Ill blow your head off, the police are on their way”. What?? I see it now… the blood their body Its so warm and feels amazing in me the blood its all over me, brittnys arm is in my hands oh god… Ive been eating her?? I had that thing right here “I- it was here I promise I didnt kill them, they were dead when I found them… I had too… I had too, it wanted me to do it.. Its still out there. I didnt kill them, they were dead when I ate them please!! Let me go!! Please!! I didnt do it officers please!!…