New Staff Profile: Amie Mitchell

We welcome many new staff members to LHS. The Egalitarian asked new staff to answer the following questions. Today we introduced you to Amie Mitchell.

Question: Why did you choose LHS?
They chose me! Really though, a job opportunity came up here that I was super excited about, and I applied and got it! I am super excited to be a Lindbergh Eagle!

Question: What is your position at LHS?
Work-based learning specialist

Question: Where did you work before?
Dimmitt Middle School

Question: Where did you go to college?
Renton Technical College

Question: Personal Life (spouse, kids, pets)
Three daughters, a granddaughter and a granddaughter

Question: Did you play sports/clubs in high school or college?
No, but I wish I had. I missed out on a lot of great opportunities.

Question: Favorite sports team(s)?
Football. I love the Seahawks, the Packers and the Saints.

Question: Favorite food?
Everything, I really love to eat.

Question: Favorite holiday?

What else do you want us to know about you?
I am super excited to be here at Lindbergh and I love working with you all.