How the school’s band is impacted by masks

Veronica Kondey/Yearbook

Members of the Jazz Ensemble practice ahead of the upcoming winter concert.

How do Lindbergh students in the band program perform while wearing masks per the COVID-19 mandate. Teacher Brian Dyson sat down and provide some additional information.

What were some of the COVID restrictions that have to be followed?
We use special face masks and bell covers to limit particle spread. We also keep our 3-6 foot distance between chairs and try to limit our playing to 60 minutes or less a day. This is all based on studies that have been conducted in the music education field.

What has become of your usual routine?
Our routine has not changed that much. I do include more listening this year because it’s important that our students hear what professionals sound like. We started this during the school closure and it has been good to continue it.

Would you say due to COVID you had less kids, or weren’t able to teach them as much?
I have a few less kids but we’ve not been affected too much. Lots of teaching is still happening although my focus has changed a little bit. We are working on rebuilding some skills but my band students are doing very well!

What have you done to reach out more to the public, and what became of the events?
Our public presence has been a little limited due to COVID restrictions. Unfortunately, many of our pep performances were postponed or canceled because of COVID as well.

What were some of the challenges you’d have to face while dealing with this as well as for your students?
Towing the line between remediating skills and keeping things interesting has been a challenge. That said, I try to listen and respond to students as much as possible. Our students are smart and capable, and they know what’s up. One of the best things I’ve done this year has been increasing student voice and involving them in decision-making.

What will become of this class in the future?
Great things are going to happen in the future. I look forward to playing harder music, booking more gigs, and taking our students on trips. It’s only a matter of time!