Are cellphones harmful or helpful?


Are cellular phones really dangerous leading to potential cancers?

We all have heard “stop being on your phone, it’s bad for your health or phones are bad for you.”

According to, there are two main reasons why people are concerned cell phones may have the potential to cause certain types of cancer or other health problems: Cell phones emit radiation (in the form of radiofrequency radiation, or radio waves), and cell phone use is widespread. Even a small increase in cancer risk from cell phones would be of concern given how many people use them.
Brain and Central Nervous System cancers have been of particular concern because hand-held phones are used close to the head and because ionizing radiation—a higher energy form of radiation than what cell phones emit—has been found to cause some brain cancers. Many different kinds of studies have been carried out to try to investigate whether cell phone use is dangerous to human health.
The US Food and Drug Administration says:

Cell phones emit low levels of radio frequency energy, a type of non-ionizing radiation.
The available scientific data on exposure to radio frequency energy show no categorical proof of any adverse biological effects other than tissue heating.
Public health data show no association between exposure to radio frequency energy from cell phone use and health problems.

According to JavaTPoint there are 10 advantages and disadvantages to cell phones.

Easy communication
Social media
Promoting business
Earning money

Waste of time
Sleeping disorders
Loss of study
Health problems
Ear and eyes problems