In ceramics, students can make functional and non-functional items, pots and vases, bowls, and items students can use in everyday life. There are steps to follow before you are able to get a piece of clay and start working on it:
1) Ideas/ designs in your ceramic book
2 ) Get clay
3 ) Build it
4 ) Let it dry
5 ) Bisque fire
6 ) Glaze the project
7 ) Glaze fire/baking it after the glaze
8 ) Reflection
You should consider taking Ceramics because it’s a calm environment and you can enter a judge free zone and make things without feeling like you’re being judged or intimidated to make it perfect. Ceramics is a good way to deepen your perspective on the arts and see what else you can do besides drawing, painting etc… in ceramics you don’t only have to make vases and pots but you can also make mini clay figures of characters you enjoy. Ceramics take time and care, and are a good way to express yourself and work on your creativity and patience.
Ceramics class takes time and patience including practicing overtime to get the outcomes you want.
Ms. Bentley has done ceramics throughout her life, when asked why she is a ceramics teacher because ‘’I love being a ceramics teacher because its very hands on and requires you to slow down and take your time ceramics is a good way to distress yourself and relax .‘’
You should consider joining ceramics because it’s a nice way to calm and relax your body and mind, while also entering a creative mindset and finding your individuality within ceramics.