Lindbergh High School’s Wrestling Team had a very successful season. One senior on the team stood out and showed why he is one of the best: David Myers. He is , a 4 year wrestler and has dedicated his whole life to wrestling. Recently, he was asked a couple of questions on how his senior year went and what he did well, and also did his expectations meet reality.
“The season went by fantastic for me, my senior year I was up and down with injuries but at the end of the day, I did my work and scored many points for the team”, Myers said. “My expectations met my reality for sure, I’ve worked so hard for so long I know what I’m capable of and what I have achieved in my high school career”. The 18 year old senior has a lot of experience wrestling, including being a 8 time state placer in his 10 year career following back to elementary school and middle school.
As the team moved into the Postseason, the girls team won the 2A KingCo Championship, 11 boy wrestlers went to districts. Afterwards, 3 girl wrestlers went to state alongside 8 boys wrestlers qualifying for state and attending the annual Mat Classic XXXVI at the Tacoma Dome. The team did super well as 2 state wrestlers advanced to day 2 of Mat Classic and did a fantastic job!!!