Jackie Dempsey, a new staff member at Lindbergh High School. She works as a Special Education teacher. Dempsey’s welcoming was warm & inviting, her peers & staff were helpful, welcoming & patient.
Dempsey had many jobs in her lifetime but working at Lindbergh showed new opportunities. She’s had jobs for service industries taking dispatch calls & assisted living. “It’s fun being in charge of my own class & having the ability of success for my kids & being my own boss,”. Teaching opened her to a new world filled with love towards her students.
Jackie Dempsey’s goal as a teacher is to continue to learn, grow & improve as a teacher while also creating an environment for her students to reach their full potential. She also wants to become a mentor to a new teacher. She’s shown selflessness & care for her students.
Dempsey was asked her favorite thing about Lindbergh High, she responded “My favorite thing is my class, I love my students.” with a bright vivid smile as she answered. She also has a “work bestfriend”, Kamaria smith.