One of our new staff this year is coach Evan Luttrell, he is a paraeducator and a boys swim , girls swim, and head track coach. This is his first year at Lindbergh as a staff member, but when he was in high school from 2012-2018 he went to Lindbergh himself.
Coach Evan was a college coach at Central Washington University for three years. When he was in high school he competed in cross country, swim, and track. When he went to college he did water polo and cross country.
When asked what made him want to become a coach himself he said when he was in sports he didn’t have the best coaches, so he wanted to give what he did not have. He likes helping people get better at what they love. Coach Evans’ plan for track is to work hard and try to make it to state.
Coach Evan is also a para educator here at Lindbergh, this is his first time being a paraeducator. His goal is to become a history teacher. He chose history because he loves history and thinks many history teachers don’t teach it right. He wants to teach it differently and wants it to be more fun for the students. He has personality and says he loves how Ms. Shewey teaches and hopes he’s as good as she is when he becomes a teacher.