In Ms. Cato’s language arts students learn to read deeper and analyze literature and non fiction texts, write comprehensively and use accurate grammar.
Students learn spelling, avoiding passive voice, and the ability to answer a question both the liability of a narrator or source.
Ms. Cato has been a teacher for a long time and when asked how long she has been teaching she says.’’ I taught college from 98-2000 and I have taught secondary school so high school for most of it and just one year of middle school.’’
When Ms. Cato was asked why students should take her class she stated ‘’you don’t have to take my class. I would just tell you to get as many classes as you can get, but I would welcome any student. I suppose if you’re coming to me, I have an incredible understanding of english that comes from 7 years as a college student and I think for a teacher to be a truly great at anything they absolutely have to be passionate about about what they teach and I absolutely love literature and writing.’’
Ms. Cato’s class is very informative and doesn’t just focus on language arts, students can learn multiple things depending on what students ask and are interested in.
Ms. Cato is very welcoming and understanding to students and even to students who have a hard time with focusing. When Ms. Cato was younger She said ‘’ Somebody taught me how to do a stitch when I was in high school and I used it across my classes while the teacher lectured and I realized that I could focus better when my hands are doing something, and my brain could follow the lectures. The teachers who told me I couldn’t do it in class were the classes I performed the worst in.’’ When she was younger it made her focus better and she hopes to help kids with the same problem. She keeps fidgets by her desk students can play with if they are having a hard time focusing on their work. She also has tea, if students want to get some before class they are able to.
Overall, Ms. Cato’s classroom is very welcoming and a good learning environment for everyone.