Unsung Hero retires after 17 years

Custodian for 15 years at LHS


David Nelson

After 17 years with the Renton School District, custodian Kim Rutherford is returning from Lindbergh after Friday.

Egalitarian Staff

Kim Rutherford is one of the many unsung heroes among the custodian staff. The last 15 years she made it her passion to make sure the school is clean especially after lunch and the Washington House classrooms. Her smile and friendly  manner brings a smile to staff and student faces. On Wednesday, staff along with Rutherford celebrated her retirement that begins after Friday.

In all, Rutherford has been with the Renton School District for 17 years with her first stint at Renton Park Elementary in the kitchen. During the celebration, several staff members including lead custodian Henry Kaalekahl praised Rutherford’s dedication to the building. Her next adventure in retirement is house sitting dogs, cats, chickens and Koy fish.

Kim Rutherford receives a hug from Cheryl Luttrell Wednesday after acknowledgment of her 15 years of service at Lindbergh. (David Nelson)