Editorial and Letters to the Editor Policy

Editorial and Letters to the Editor Policy

The Egalitarian welcomes the opinions of our readers in the form of  Letters to the Editor, as long as the submissions are not in bad taste and refrain from attacking individuals without documentation or a relational and legally defensive justification.

We reserve the right to refuse or edit all material for length, obscenity, libel, conventions and grammar. Unsigned emails and letters containing personal attacks or libelous nature will not be published.

Material must be signed with complete name (no nicknames) and an email address to be verified for ownership prior to be published. Failure to sign the email or we are unable to verify the email, it will not be published.

An Editorial written and published is supported by the Editorial Board of this newspaper. All columns and letters on the opinion page are the views of the authors and do not necessary  reflect the views of Lindbergh High School or the Renton School District .  This includes columns written by staff.

Comments made in a story comment section or to our social media accounts containing a personal attack, libelous or obscenity will be removed. If  a comment(s) break any school or district policies, they will be forwarded to school administration.