The foods we love to eat on Thanksgiving


What’s your favorite food?

Well, starting off we have Turkey which is probably the first thing in peoples minds when it comes to Thanksgiving food. Without a Turkey then is it really going to be a Thanksgiving?

Well that’s not the whole concept of the holiday but it yet still the cream of the crop in the best thanksgiving foods. After that there is gravy or cranberry sauce for extra taste of the turkey and mashed potatoes. Gravy is very flexible and can be put on practically most of the dishes that are going to be listed but it is the other way around for cranberry sauce. It does not compare to gravy and it is definitely an acquired taste for people, usually old people. But the mashed potatoes and gravy combo is just out of this world. It’s like ketchup and fries, bacon and eggs, peanut butter and jelly. You can say it is required for a happy Thanksgiving with the turkey.

Stuffing, I would not say is an acquired taste but by some margin, some don’t like it but is still one of the most popular side dishes of the list. And you can make different recipes out of stuffing like cornbread stuffing or cauliflower stuffing. Sweet potato casseroles is another popular dish to make yet it is a 50/50 of the amount of people that like or dislike it. Mac & Cheese is a must for both the kids and the adults. There are many other dishes with a wide variety of cultural dishes that I can add but the last 2 on this list is apple pie and/or pumpkin pie. These two are very popular desserts for this holiday and would go quickly at a Thanksgiving party so go grab a slice before you miss out!

We took a survey of students’ best food choices on thanksgiving. Editor in Chief Jacqueline, our said that banana pudding is a must along with deviled eggs, pound cake, bread rolls, and oatmeal cranberry raisin cookies. Reporter Rae’Ayn, says that mashed potatoes and mac and cheese are a necessity in a thanksgiving feast. She also included collard greens, brussel sprouts, and fried chicken. Angelo, a junior, says all he needs are mashed potatoes with gravy, pumpkin pie and some Hawaiian bread. Cole said stuffing and turkey are his favorite foods to go for in thanksgiving. Mashed potatoes and gravy on the side, and for desserts, says he got sweet potatoes and pecan pie that he says are, out of this world.”

We love hearing about all the different foods students eat during thanksgiving! Post your favorite meals on Instagram and tag @lhseagles_newsp and @lhseagles_year