How Civil Air Patrol helps students


Courtesy of the Civil Air Patrol

A Civil Air Patrol cadet checks his Cessna’s instrument panel before taking off during a flight academy session.

Many students would like to go into a military career after high school. Others would like to be a part of helping their communities. Civil Air Patrol is a great program to allow students to reach these goals and learn many life skills such as leadership and integrity.

Civil Air Patrol (CAP) is a military program that is available to anyone over the age of 12. While using Air Force regulations and standards they are more relaxed leaving some leniency, but don’t think you won’t be expected to keep to those standards. Within the CAP there is no obligation to join the armed forces, altho many alumni cadets do choose to go into armed forces or other civil jobs such as public service jobs. An advantage if you would like to join the AirForce is that if you make it to the rank of Cadet Second Lieutenant you become eligible for joining as an E-3. The main goal for CAP is to help students support their communities and teach students aerospace, leadership, and discipline. This is achieved in many different ways.

The program allows cadets to support their community through volunteer service and in times of disasters CAP will be deployed to help those who are affected. Most squadrons of cadets will have at least one meeting dedicated to aerospace learning and leadership respectively with having some drill discipline at most meetings.

Within CAP there comes many different volunteer opportunities. These can range from delivering food to helping clean the Renton Municipal Airport. Another great opportunity that comes from CAP is the ability to get your pilot’s license. This process starts quickly when you join CAP. While in the program you will be notified that your squadron is hosting an Orientation Flight or O-Flight/Ride. With these O-Rides, you, a Senior Member, and another Cadet will be given the opportunity to ride and fly in a small airplane. On the flight, the Senior member will teach you the very basics of how the plane works and flies while allowing you to take the controls for a few minutes. Once you complete a few O-Rides you will become eligible to start the process of being able to solo fly at an encampment.

Encampments are a week-long summer program run by high-ranking cadets and Senior members. These Encampments can be described as a toned-down version of Basic Training in the military. Leadership, aerospace, and drill are all major topics taught at Encampment. While at Encampment you will be taken on another O-Ride and be allowed to start the solo flight process if you are over 16 and had enough O-Ride experience.

Civil Air Patrol has been helping the community for almost 80 years now providing great opportunities to the youth. For more information about Civil Air Patrol and to find your local squadron visit,