Animal of the Week – Sloth

This week’s Animal of the Week, we are going to talk about one of the slowest yet most well known animals in the world and that is a sloth. This animal is very straight forward so just going to give you facts. Sloths may be slow but are three times faster on water. It takes them 30 days to digest a single leaf.

Sloths can fall 100 feet and still come out without injury and are technically blind. They can only see poorly in little light but can’t see at all in daylight. A sloth’s muscles are arranged to where they can withstand the force of a jaguar ripping them from a tree. When born they have the strength to carry themselves with one arm. They can sleep upside down for long periods of time and also poop a third of their body weight in one go.

You can visit a sloth at Woodland Park Zoo.